Team Trim/Thomas Dragon Writers of the Week

This week, we were writing letters to our fabulous Grand Hordles to tell them all about our incredible trip to Beaulieu Motor Museum last Monday. In our team, we were trying really hard to use time connectives in our recount as well as begin to experiment with some adverbs.

I am proud to announce that this week’s Dragon Writers are…Verity and Skye. Well done. You both tried really hard to use a variety of time connectives such as ‘when’, ‘next’ and ‘after that’ but you both also had a go at using adverbs like ‘excitedly’ and ‘amazingly’. I am proud of you both for achieving a PB (personal best). Keep up the great work!


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4 Responses to Team Trim/Thomas Dragon Writers of the Week

  1. Stephanie F says:

    WOW! I love all of your openers such as: when and after that! It looks like you really worked hard to achieve your P.B.! Well done!

  2. Jessica B says:

    Verity, I totally agree with Miss Trim! You have used amazing time connectives! I couldn’t take my eyes off your work! Well Done! 🙂

  3. Jessica B says:

    Skye, a brilliant description of the Beaulie Motor Museum! I agree with Miss Trim; you did use a great adverb, exitedly! You well deserved a PB! 🙂

  4. Oliver W says:

    Well done Verity & Skye! I agree with Miss Trim, both of you have used brilliant time connectives. Brilliant work and well done for aciving your P.Bs. Keep up the great work and I hope I get to read your work again on the blog! 🙂 😉

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