Lower Junior Dinosaur Exit Point

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6 Responses to Lower Junior Dinosaur Exit Point

  1. Claudia says:

    I think all the lower juniors need to say a VERY big thankyou to all the teachers who helped provide learning recorces.My faveroute bit of the dinosaur topic was making our dinosaur movies with digi blue cameras as i thought it was great fun!

  2. Jessica J says:

    The exit point was fantastic

  3. Imogen C says:

    As a Lower Junior I personally enjoyed our exit point because so many people came and all the stalls were so interesting. Did you like it too?
    My bestest friend, Sophie Galton, was, as I believe, was so good at co-operating!

  4. Alice N says:

    I thought the Dinosaur Exit Point was a great success. I was a Journalist, and I loved the little badge I got! I felt really important as I walked through the enormous crowd with my clipboard. It reminded me of the ‘Chocolate’ Exit Point I had when I was in year three- I was asking people whether they’d like one of the recipe books we’d made! I am in year five now and that exit point was a really memorable experience. 😀

  5. Katy W says:

    I really enjoyed that exit point, and now I’m in the upper juniors. The point I’m trying to make is, I loved that exit point, and I think the parents who went did too.

  6. Chloe Q says:

    Lower juniors, I bet that your exit point was amazing because I remember when I did it.

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