Team Hazel’s BIG Landscape

This afternoon, Team Hazel have been working on their BIG landscape.

All the children were given a piece of a bigger picture which when all put together fitted like a jigsaw.

This is our finished masterpiece. What do you think?


Miss C and Team Hazel.

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6 Responses to Team Hazel’s BIG Landscape

  1. Chloe S says:

    Wow Hazel ; that really is a piece of art! I’m sure a giant amount of effort has been used! In addition, the amount of detail that you have contributed to this collossal landscape is out of this world! I think Miss C would of had to orginise a lot of tools to design each individual picture!
    Well done Hazel, you truly are your own unique Leonardo Da Vinci’s!

  2. Katie W says:

    Wow! What an amazing peice of art work. You really are a real peice of art 🙂

  3. Alice N says:

    Wow Hazel! You are such good artists! I wouldn’t be surprised if you were a piece of art yourselves! 😀

  4. Lucie G says:

    Wow Lower Juniors!!I remember doing that topic in year four.It was an amazing time and i learnt lots of new fascinating facts which I didn’t know before.

  5. Lucie G says:

    Wow Lower Juniors!I remember doing that sticking it up on the white Board and we kind of got it right.Your drawing is amazing!!Keep up the fantastic work!!

  6. Katy W says:

    I helped make that picture, and now I’m in the upper juniors. I am really sad I had to leave Miss Cooper, but I have a lovely teacher in the upper juniors. I am really proud of that art, and I am proud of my ex team mates as well; it wouldn’t have been possible to complete the landscape without their amazing art work.

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