Team Trim/Thomas Writer of the Week!

A huge congratulations to this week’s winners…Violet and Bobby.

Violet, I really like the way you have used a variety of prepositions to start your sentences, like, ‘In the middle’, ‘Under’ and ‘Beside’. I am also proud of the way you remembered to use speech punctuation.

Bobby, you have listened so carefully in class and tried to use so many tricky words. I really like the way you also used different sentence starts like, ‘In his office’ and ‘On the desk’.

You should both feel very proud of yourself. A huge well done!

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10 Responses to Team Trim/Thomas Writer of the Week!

  1. Mr Croutear says:

    Well done Violet & Boby! It is great to see some fantastic Lower Junior writing on the blog! I hope lots of Juniors will be commenting on it…

  2. Mason S says:

    Well done Boby you did it for Ash!

  3. Emily A says:

    Well done Boby and Violet you deserve it that is two great pieces of writing keep it up.

  4. Alexandra S says:

    Well done guys you both wrote an amazing piece of writing , Bobby I loved your speech and violet I loved your prepositions! You both did great and I bet your very proud of yourselfs.

  5. Olivia A says:

    Well Done Bobby and Violet , I hope you two both get on very well in the lower juniors , it’s very hard to get on the blog so well done !!

  6. Alice C says:

    W O W!!!!!!!!
    You should be SO impressed with yourselves! Like Alexandra, I loved your speech, Bobby, and Violet, I loved your excellent prepositions! Keep up the brilliant work!!! 🙂

  7. Alice N says:

    well done bobby and violet!
    you should be proud of acheiving such amazing writing!

  8. Tavi H says:

    Well done Bobby! keep up that good work!Dont let team Hordle down!!!!

  9. Tavi H says:

    Well done violet! you should be really proud of yourself that you wowed the teachers and that you should keep up the amazing work!!

  10. Violet.E says:

    WOW! I didn’t know I was the dragon writer of the week. I found out in my report. 🙂

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